an organic cafe in rice fields

an organic cafe in the rice fields

My friend and raw model Anthony told me to find Sari Organics in Ubud. I was ecstatic to finally find it on my 2nd visit to Ubud. I had one of the best medicinal herb salads ever, made with organic herbs from the fields and also gathered from the forest. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend this afternoon than chilling with my good friend in the middle of rice fields with a beautiful view and a bounty of delicious, fresh foods.

rice fields

the walking path along the rice fields

We had to walk a good 15 minutes or more to get to the organic cafe in the middle of the rice fields. An amazing journey with an organic treasure at the end. And walking is always the best exercise.



I even came upon a compost pile on the way. Someone was eating durian, I can see the rind in the heap.


Wayan and Carol enjoying road side satay and rice

I had been fasting the prior day and earlier this day only because some nuts I’d eaten didn’t digest very well. Our driver Wayan and Carol were starving, so they pulled over at a road side satay stand to enjoy local snacks. I like this photo, and we can imagine the satay to be vegetables or tofu for our purposes here….though, as you all know, I’m no fan of unhealthy processed fake tofu meats.